Nubian Bucks

Wildmntcountry Cumberland Oak
Sire: SG SAADA Golden Oak +*B VEE 87
SS: SAADA King’s X +*B EVE 90
SD: SG SAADA Forest Frau 1*M VEEE 91
Dam: Wildmntcountry Nairfatiti
DS: DKGH King Tut
DD: Wildmntcountry Sunrise

Wildmntcountry Queen’s Monarch *B (Pending)
Sire: SG SAADA Golden Oak +*B VEE 87
SS: SAADA King’s X +*B EVE 90
SD: SG SAADA Forest Frau 1*M VEEE 91
Dam: Wildmntcountry Outlaw Queen 3*M (pending)
DS: DKGH King Tut
DD: Wildmntcountry Calamity Jane 2*M

Wildmntcountry Buffalo Bill
Sire: DKGH Rock It’s Rainmaker
SS: SGCH DKGH Playboy’s Rock It +B EEE 91
SD: SGCH DKGH Typhoon Raindancer VEEV 89
Dam: Wildmntcountry Calamity Jane 2*M
DS: Wildmntcountry Sharpshooter *B VVV 86
DD: SG The MTL Sparks Fly 1*M EEEE 91

Cherokee Rose LR Kingfisher *B
(pending ADGA registration correction)
Sire: Woest-Hoeve ML King Leonidas
SS: CH Jacobs Pride HH 4Ever In Love VEE 87
SD: SGCH Woest-Hoeve Margaret 3*M VVEE 91
Dam: SGCH Woest-Hoeve Robin 5*M VVEE 91
DS: SGCH Alize Charleston Chew ++B EEV 90
DD: SG Iron-Owl Sand Crane 4*M E+EE 90

Abiding Acres CS Galaxie (polled)
Sire: Wildmntcountry Buffalo Bill
SS: DKGH Rock It’s Rainmaker
SD: Wildmntcountry Calamity Jane 2*M
Dam: Wildmntcountry Starry Sky 2*M (pending)
DS: SG SAADA Golden Oak +*B VEE 87
DD: The MTL Pearl’s Jewel 1*M EEEV 90
Nubian Reference Bucks

Wildmntcountry Sharpshooter *B (polled) VVV 86
Sire: SAADA Royal O-Vation +B
SS: SAADA B.B.’s King Koal *B
SD: SAADA Bacardi “O” VVVV 88
Dam: SG The DL Cup Cake 1*M VEVV 88
DS: GCH Iron-Owl X-Exclusive Design +*B EEE 90
DD: SG Thunder-Ridge DBW Kylie +VE+ 85

Wildmntcountry Jesse James
Sire: KDGH King Tut
SS: SAADA El-Cid *B VVV 86
SD: SG DKGH Enferno’s Emmy VEEV 90
Dam: Wildmntcountry Calamity Jane 2*M
DS: Wildmntcountry Sharpshooter *B VVV 86
DD: SG The MTL Sparks Fly 1*M EEEE 91

Wildmntcountry Centaurus *B (pending)
Sire: Wildmntcountry Jesse James
SS: DKGH King Tut
SD: Wildmntcountry Calamity Jane 2*M
Dam: Wildmntcountry Starry Sky 2*M (pending)
DS: SG SAADA Golden Oak +*B VEE 87
DD: The MTL Pearl’s Jewel 1*M EEEV 90
Digital Image Disclaimer
Thank you for your patience with our photos. We recognize that the varying orientations, sizes, and quality could be distracting. We also acknowledge that some of our photos are not the quality we’d prefer to allow for visual evaluation of conformation. As time allows, we are working to update our site with higher-quality images to better represent our goats. For now, however, we have provided these photos to give you as much information as possible.