Nubian Bucks

Wildmntcountry Cumberland Oak

DOB:  03/11/2020

Sire:  SG SAADA Golden Oak +*B VEE 87
SS:  SAADA King’s X +*B EVE 90
SD:  SG SAADA Forest Frau 1*M VEEE 91

Dam:  Wildmntcountry Nairfatiti
DS:  DKGH King Tut
DD:  Wildmntcountry Sunrise

Wildmntcountry Cumberland Oak

DOB:  03/11/2020

Sire:  SG SAADA Golden Oak +*B VEE 87
SS:  SAADA King’s X +*B EVE 90
SD:  SG SAADA Forest Frau 1*M VEEE 91

Dam:  Wildmntcountry Nairfatiti
DS:  DKGH King Tut
DD:  Wildmntcountry Sunrise

Wildmntcountry Queen’s Monarch *B (pending)

DOB:  03/11/2020

Sire:  SG SAADA Golden Oak +*B VEE 87
SS:  SAADA King’s X +*B EVE 90
SD:  SG SAADA Forest Frau 1*M VEEE 91

Dam:  Wildmntcountry Outlaw Queen 3*M (pending)
DS:  DKGH King Tut
DD:  Wildmntcountry Calamity Jane 2*M

Wildmntcountry Buffalo Bill

DOB:  03/16/2020

Sire:  DKGH Rock It’s Rainmaker
SS:  SGCH DKGH Playboy’s Rock It +B EEE 91
SD:  SGCH DKGH Typhoon Raindancer VEEV 89

Dam:  Wildmntcountry Calamity Jane 2*M
DS:  Wildmntcountry Sharpshooter *B VVV 86
DD:  SG The MTL Sparks Fly 1*M EEEE 91

Cherokee Rose LR Kingfisher *B
(pending ADGA registration correction)

DOB:  02/06/2021

Planned pedigree since Fisher is not yet on the website.

Sire:  Woest-Hoeve ML King Leonidas
SS:  CH Jacobs Pride HH 4Ever In Love VEE 87
SD:  SGCH Woest-Hoeve Margaret 3*M VVEE 91

Dam:  SGCH Woest-Hoeve Robin 5*M VVEE 91
DS:  SGCH Alize Charleston Chew ++B EEV 90
DD:  SG Iron-Owl Sand Crane 4*M E+EE 90

Abiding Acres CS Galaxie (polled)

DOB:  04/18/2021

Planned pedigree since Galaxie is not yet on the website.

Sire:  Wildmntcountry Buffalo Bill
SS:  DKGH Rock It’s Rainmaker
SD:  Wildmntcountry Calamity Jane 2*M

Dam:  Wildmntcountry Starry Sky 2*M (pending)
DS:  SG SAADA Golden Oak +*B VEE 87
DD:  The MTL Pearl’s Jewel 1*M EEEV 90

Reference Bucks

Wildmntcountry Sharpshooter *B (polled) VVV 86

DOB:  07/12/2013

Sire:  SAADA Royal O-Vation +B
SS:  SAADA B.B.’s King Koal *B
SD:  SAADA Bacardi “O” VVVV 88

Dam:  SG The DL Cup Cake 1*M VEVV 88
DS:  GCH Iron-Owl X-Exclusive Design +*B EEE 90
DD:  SG Thunder-Ridge DBW Kylie +VE+ 85

Wildmntcountry Jesse James

DOB:  05/11/2018

Sire:  DKGH King Tut
SS:  SAADA El-Cid *B VVV 86
SD:  SG DKGH Enferno’s Emmy VEEV 90

Dam:  Wildmntcountry Calamity Jane 2*M
DS:  Wildmntcountry Sharpshooter *B VVV 86
DD:  SG The MTL Sparks Fly 1*M EEEE 91

Wildmntcountry Centaurus *B (pending)

DOB:  03/19/2020

Sire:  Wildmntcountry Jesse James
SS:  DKGH King Tut
SD:  Wildmntcountry Calamity Jane 2*M

Dam:  Wildmntcountry Starry Sky 2*M (pending)
DS:  SG SAADA Golden Oak +*B VEE 87
DD:  The MTL Pearl’s Jewel 1*M EEEV 90

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